We pooled together some relevant statistics that can help guide you in your marketing efforts. Should you be using social media and how? What messaging should you be publishing? How do you build loyalty and leads?
- Most people are viewing your content on a mobile device. Since July of 2018, nearly 53% of users are mobile compared to just over 43% who gravitate toward their desktop. (1) Is your website optimized for mobile use?
- Mobile will account for 72% of digital ad spend by 2019. (2)
- Social media has become the most popular content marketing tactic reported by 90% of B2C businesses. The next most used content marketing tactics are illustrations and photos (87%), eNewsletters (83%), videos (82%) and website articles (81%). (4)
- Content with relevant images gets 94% more views. (3) So, add some photos!
There are plenty of tools that help you load up on content for your client emails or for your social media posts. However, if you are not creating unique, new content on your website to drive engagement, you may be doing your business a disservice..
- You will lose followers if you post bad content. According to a recent survey, 51% of consumers would unfollow a brand for irrelevant content and 43% will unfollow because of too many promotional posts. (6) Make sure you are educating or entertaining your audience to keep them engaged.
- 80% of marketers use visual assets in their social media marketing. Video, alone, has also surpassed blogging in usage as a social media marketing asset (5). Don’t overestimate the reach of a lone blog post, boost your content with a social media post featuring relevant imagery or video.
- Roughly 70% of internet users want to learn about your products through online content versus more traditional advertising (1). So, don’t focus on selling, focus on informing and educating your audience to build their loyalty.
- Gating your content (asking for their contact info before granting access) can generate leads for your business. There are pros and cons to this tactic. The cons are that you will turn away a portion of your audience that don’t want to share their information. The pro is that you will have contact information to follow up with your leads. And if you have shared content that is helpful and not too self-promotional, you can build loyalty and interest with your new leads. (I realize this one isn’t a statistic but is an important point!)